Create professional sketches for professions
related to medicine and catering.
In the visual arts class
Rīgas Pārdaugavas pamatskola
L. Renge -
L. Bizune -
teacher testing the methodolog
class students
6th grade students participated in the activity
Each member of the group drew a representative of
their future profession on a common poster.
Each group chose a goal, for example, beekeepers
and distributers decided to produce a new honey product by working with
advertisers and inviting confectioners from another group. Challenges were set
to bring the product to market successfully.
Another group of students, who had chosen the
profession of psychologist, counselor, doctor, aimed at advising and informing
people about the latest Covid 19 research, providing answers to various
The students explained to the audience the tasks
of each profession and acknowledged that only by working together can the goal
be reached.
Activity title: |
Group size: |
Groups of 5
Group age: |
It is thought for students from 12-16
Activity duration: |
Between 15-30 minutes
Overview and objectives:
The idea is that the students understand
that different professions are important and it is important that they
collaborate in a common target, every occupation is needed because they
are doing different tasks. Also, it is important that they reflect about
which tasks are done by different professions.
At the conclusion of this activity,
participants will:
● Reflect about different
● Understand that people from
different occupations could work together in different tasks with a
common objective.
needed: |
Paper and blackboard or whiteboard with a
chalk or a marker |
Preparation: |
Teacher forms the groups of 5 students
Tips/comments/recommendations: |
Teacher could help the students at the
beginning a little bit to fix a common goal or select some occupations.
Detailed instructions:
1- The students select 5 occupations; it
is expected that each one will select one. It is not necessary that the
rest of partners agree with the selected occupation.
2- They have to fix a common goal that
they could work together to achieve. It is needed that the whole group
agree with that goal.
3- They have to think about the different
tasks needed to achieve the goal and assign it to the different
occupations that they have selected. It is needed that every occupation
intervenes at least in 2 tasks.
4- If it is necessary, they could add
“external collaboration” of other occupations in case that it is needed
for a better result.
5- The group explain to the whole class (or
only the teacher) their project and how each occupation is important in
the final result. Each member of the group has to speak explaining the
role of the occupation that they have chosen at the beginning. |
Nodarbībā „PROFESIJU PROJEKTS” piedalījās
6. klases skolēni.
Katrs grupas dalībnieks uz kopēja plakāta
uzzīmēja savas nākotnes profesijas pārstāvi.
Katra grupa izvēlējās mērķi, piemēram - bitenieki
un tirgotāji nolēma ražot jaunu medus produktu, sadarbojoties ar reklāmdevējiem
un pieaicinot konditorus no citas grupas. Tika izvirzīti uzdevumi tam, lai
produkts veiksmīgi nonāktu tirgū.
Cita skolēnu grupa, kura bija izvēlējusies
psihologa, konsultanta, ārsta profesijas, izvirzīja mērķi konsultēt un informēt
cilvēkus par jaunākajiem Covid 19 pētījumiem, sniedzot atbildes uz dažādiem
Skolēni izskaidroja klātesošajiem katras
profesijas nozīmi uzdevumu veikšanā un atzina, ka tikai sadarbojoties var nonākt
pie kopīga mērķa sasniegšanas.