

Find Your Way

Rīgas Pārdaugavas pamatskola


Lita Korelska - teacher testing the methodology.

7AB, 9.A class students


Evaluation: https://forms.gle/o4UeTkJqhMqhyNYe7

1.Brainlog activity  Act.1

Activity title:

Find Your Way

Group size:

Group size should be from 2-4 people.


Group age:



Activity duration:

30 min

Overview and objectives:

The aim of the activity is to teach the pupils how to travel without simply driving your self or taking a plane. It is to teach them how you get from point to point be by using mass transit option and taking into account costs and time.


Materials/ equipment needed:

The students’ needs internet access.



The teacher needs to identify two locations in different countries and do a preliminary search of the possibilities of travelling between them

Tips/ comments/ recommendations:

Choose two destinations on the same continent and with enough distance that there is not just a bus driving between them

Detailed instructions:

Detailed step by step instructions for the organization and implementation of the activity (use bullets 1,2,3,…..)

1.     Split students into groups of 2-4

2.     The students receive the starting point and the destinations.

3.     The students then have to create a travel plan on how to get from point A to point B

4.     The plan should include a step-by-step guide

5.     They also have to include costs and travel time

6.     (advanced users) also include if anything else is required, should as a visa







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